
Unfocussed rambling Attempted humour Hyperbolic flights of whimsy

31 January 2015    Politics

Abbott Knightmare

Australian politics is weird at the moment, and getting weirder with every day. And every new gaffe by Abbott.

It’s like living in a different world, or a different planet, as every day we find out about something Abbott said or did that makes no fucking sense.

It was bad enough when he mentioned women doing ironing, in an somewhat insulting context. Then he said it again!

It was bad enough when he brought back Australian knighthoods.

Then he ...


16 November 2014    Politics

Economic Leaders of Ghosts

Brisbane welcomes the Ghost 20.

With the blanket sycophantic media coverage of the G20 taking place in Brisbane, I find it really jarring to hear reporters refer to the attendees as "economic leaders".

It’s jarring because it implies they have a credibility they haven’t earned and don’t deserve. For one thing, apart from Germany, most of the countries represented have debt-ridden basket case economies. Or at least economies with vast problems these "leaders" are not addressing, because to do so would be ...


16 February 2013    Politics

He paid her $2475 to do what?

They say people get the government they deserve, in which case the current sad state of politics in Australia is an indictment on our apathy and low standards. Behold exhibit A: Craig Thomson. Whether he is guilty of what he’s accused of I’m not sure I care. Or that it matters. Well, it matters from a legal point of view, because it appears funds were misused/stolen/pissedupagainstawall — whether it was Thomson or not. But even if it ...


31 January 2013    Movies

Alex Cross: The Movie

I rarely go to the movies. I might occasionally watch one on TV, if something happens to be on that looks interesting. But I rarely go out of my way to sit down and watch a movie. It’s not that I don’t like movies. It’s just that it’s rare that I see a movie that really grabs me and leaves an impression. Too often, they just feel like a mindless diversion — which perhaps is the whole ...



Blog of Rob: Male, Melbourne, Australia. Excellent condition, well maintained, stunning views. Warm hand wash only. Use only as directed. Batteries not included. May contain traces of nuts.